Ace Trains O Gauge E36A4 Class P2 BR Gloss Lined Blue Body Style Original Non - "Thane of Fife" R/N:



Ace Trains O Gauge E36A4 BR Class P2 Gloss Lined Blue 2-8-2 Locomotive and Tender (Choice of Name & Running Number)

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Body Style Original Non Streamlined. All have Walschaerts Valve Gear except "Cock O the North" which will have Lenz Valve Gear.

Suitable for 2 Rail and 3 Rail, Electric, DC only. Metal Construction. Detailed cab back-head with fire box glow. Full working headlamps. It will run down to 27" Radi.

Custom choice of name & number
E36A4-CN "Cock O The North" R/N: 60501
E36A4-EM "Earl Marischal" R/N: 60502
E36A4-LP "Lord President" R/N: 60503
E36A4-MM "Mons Meg" R/N: 60504
E36A4-TF "Thane of Fife" R/N: 60505
E36A4-WB "Wolf of Badenoch" R/N: 60506
E36A4-PW "Prince of Wales" R/N: TBA

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All images are used for Illustration purposes only and are not of the actual product.

Option: "Thane of Fife" R/N:

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